Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE has released the admit card of JEE Main 2016. The Joint Entrance Examination (Main) 2016 Admit Card is now available to download at the JEE Main Official website www.jeemain.nic.in. Candidates who have filled the JEE Main 2016 Application form online can download it from the link below and by entering the Application Number and the Password. The CBSE Board has released the JEE Main admit card 2016 for all the registered candidates.
Lakhs of Student filled the JEE Main Application form and were eagerly waiting for the JEE Main 2016 Admit Card 2016. Now, Finally the wait is over, and Students can Download JEE Main Admit Card 2016. Please note that the Board will not send Admit Card through courier or in person. Candidates have to download it online only. The JEE Main 2016 is scheduled on April 3, 2016 (Sunday) (Pen & Paper Based Examination) and April 09th & 10th, 2016 (Computer Based Examination)
Board: Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE
Examination Name: Joint Entrance Examination (Main) 2016 Admit Card
Date of JEE Main Admit Card Released: 10th March 2016
Date of JEE Main Examination: 3rd, 9th & 10th April 2016
Link to Download JEE Main Admit Card 2016: CLICK HERE to Download JEE Main Admit Card 2016 or visit http://jeemain.nic.in/jeemainapp/admitcard/AuthForAdmitCardDwd.aspx
1) Click on the above given link to Download JEE Main 2016 Admit Card
2) Login to Download, your JEE Main, Admits Card/Hall Ticket 2016
3) Enter your Application Number & Password
4) Click on Login Button
5) Download & Check the Information on your JEE Main Admit Card 2016.
6) Finally, Print it and bring it along with you at examination center
7) In case, you forgot your application number or password of JEE Main 2016. Don’t worry just Click on the I can’t access my account? at JEE Main Admit Card homepage.
If you are not able to download JEE Main, 2016 then don’t worry. The candidates who are not able to download their admit card due to a mismatch in their name in JEE (Main) with their Board data will be given facility to correct their name in application form of JEE (Main) according to their Board’s data and then they will be able to download their admit card.
If you have any issue/problem please contact:-
Helpline No: 7042399520, 7042399521, 7042399524, 7042399525, 7042399526, 7042399528, 7042399529
Toll-Free No. Helpline No: 18002660372 (active after 15th March – 15th April 2016)
Email: cbsejeehelpdesk@gmail.com
Every year CBSE conducts JEE Main & JEE Advanced and The Joint Entrance Examination (Main) Admission criteria to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, Other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions, Institutions funded by participating State Governments, and other Institutions shall include the performance in the class 12/equivalent qualifying Examination and in the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main). The Paper-1 (B. E./B. Tech.) of JEE (Main) will also be an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which the candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the IITs.
The States of Gujarat, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand and Odisha have joined JEE (Main) system. Therefore, the candidates seeking admission to the institutions in these states, which were earlier admitting based on their State Level Examination, are also advised to fill in the JEE (Main) – 2016 application form online.
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Please note that I am unable to login the candidate login with the registration no.- 2771074063.
I am giving my DOB as password after that also it is showing incorrect credential.
I have not done my activation of email id link for user id. please help me out.
Kindly help for the same.
Hi Puja !
JEE Main Admit Card 2016 of some students are yet not released. Please read the important note in above article. If you have any issue please contact JEE in the given contact details in the article.
I have entered as per the facility given by site... i have also mismatch in Name...Still it says that the name doesn't matches...pls help me out...
did you enter the correct password ?