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Which is better – A good paying job or a satisfying job?

Which is better – A good paying job or a satisfying job?

Once you pass out from college and if it all goes well and you have to choose between different offers then you will be faced with question- Whether to go for a well paid job or the one which will give you satisfaction. At the first instance every individual will look for financial stability in life and no one would leave a good pay offer. The so in trend high packages will lure you and surely you will have no doubt in mind whether to go for it or not. Everything will seem to be so well, a good job, more money and what else anyone wants.

But now comes up the other side of the coin. What if you will need to leave your passion of writing or sports or anything, because you will so busy with you work? What if you will have to be so engrossed in your work that you family life will have to suffer a set back? What if in the end you will end up only with a huge bank balance and no time to spend it on to anything? Then at that moment you will think about your decision of overlooking the advantages of a satisfying job because of that huge pay check.

Everyone has a passion for doing something. While choosing a job for yourself don’t let go of that passion. A job which pays you well but it does not add on anything to your personality is not worth it. I will not so to completely ignore the money factor, because that is not possible in this high inflationary world but also don’t keep it as the only factor while considering your job offer.

Before considering any job offer firstly know yourself. You should ware of what kind of work you are attracted towards and what kind of work interests you. Have a clear thought regarding your expectations from the job. Now analyze all the job offers. What each one is offering you. Learn about every job, which one is going to fulfill your expectations. You can take the help of a career counselor also while deciding the best job for yourself.

After completing the above process you will be clear of what you want from your job. The just go for the right one. There may be many perks of a high paycheck, no one can and is denying that. But no matter how high your paycheck is, it cannot compete with the most alluring experience of a satisfying job. Some bucks here and there can be let go off if it is at the expense of something you cherish and which will give you actual inner happiness. So take you pick and go ahead well.

About the Author:-

Name- Ruchi Sarin
I am student pursuing my fourth year of BBA.LLB Economic honors from Raffles University with specialization in Intellectual property Laws. I am a hardworking person who is dedicated towards her work I have an interest in writing and reading.

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