Regarding “xx” INC in UPTU Semester Result
Hello There, UPTU Odd Semester 2015 Results are out and many students got their Result on the Date of Declaration of Result. Many Students got their Complete Result while some of them got incomplete result. Many Students are getting error “xx” or “INC” in their UPTU Semester Result. The reason which is showing on the UPTU semester result is that “INC due to wrong Bubbling of Roll No/PID in TE. Kindly Submit Form-6 (Room Attendance) for the subjects of which marks are marked with “xx”. But, you don’t need to fill any Form-6 or something what you need is patience. You have to just wait to for an update to your result. “xx” or INC basically means your Result is Incomplete i.e Marks of some subjects are missing in your result.

So, You don’t have to worry about that. The “xx” or “INC” in UPTU semester result means that your Result is incomplete and will be updated soon in 3 to 4 days. The “xx” shows that the result of that very subject is not updated & it will be updated soon by UPTU itself. You need to keep checking the Updated result from UPTU official website to check your result, If you still facing the issue then you have to contact your Registrar or College Authorities Regarding the issue with an Application form which will be forwarded to UPTU from your college to Update the result.
If you have any Query, Regarding your UPTU Result, Let us know in comments below.
Sir I am MD AASIF Reza b.pharma 5th semester from result are not showing after declear the result.when I am opening the site shows only “xx” or under processing the result.plz sir what r the reason and inform me how much time taken to solve this problem.thank u
sir my 3rd semester maths-3 result is still not showing.i had given the exam in january 2014-2015 session.
and now my btech is over in 2015. please suggest what can i do now to get the maths result.
please reply.
my 3rd semester result of one subject is still showing XX 2014-15 session .
so give some advice so i can resolve my problem.
Hello Abhishek,
Please Check whether you are the only one having “xx” result in 3rd Sem result or some of your classmates are also having the same? Please do let us know & we will get back to you with a solution.
Thanks !!!
My 5th sem result of Graph Theory is showing as xx.The results of 6th sem are out even though the update has not provided.Its been months since the 5th sem results are out.Please help!.
sirr my first year result show in xx in mechnics nd mene application college m d di h…. nd kitne dino m resul a jaega plzzz fast sirr
Sir I m final yr student my 8 sem results should be declared but one sub marks showing xx and dis happen wid my whole class almost 1 months completed but results are not updated.what to do sir plzzz help
my btech 6 sem 2015 result is uploaded but still in DCS my marks are showing ‘xx’ and the status is incomplete
sir uptu update bhi bhot slow kr re h last update 23 July ko hua ta
sir kb tk hope hai k result puri trah update ho jaega?
It will be updated very soon…..
Sir my third sem material science marks is still not updated and is marked with xx.i have given application regarding this problem to my college but yet the marks has not been updated so please tell me what should i do…..please sir….reply a bit fast..
Dear Sir,
I am Suneha Verma.. I am studding in 2nd year B Pharma 2014-15 and i already attended all even sem exams .My Roll No. is 1339350027
When i am checking my result online its showing…
Your result is under processing due to one or more of following reasons :
1: INC due to wrong bubbling of Roll No/PID in TE. Kindly submit Form-6 (Room Attendance) for the subject(s) of which marks are marked with ‘xx’.
2: Your result is under process. Result will be displayed soon after it is resolved.
Note: University does not own for the errors or omissions, if any, in this statement.
Kindly check and give us the proper solutions.
Respected sir,
my roll no. Is 0934210034 and I am c.s student this year in even sem I have given the paper of eme 202 and this was my 6th attempt and end of 6 years of acedmic. Sir my highest mark was last 15 and still its showing this after result declared.
I know it will later update
each time i have attempted my papers with full confidence but still my back remain same from last 2 years i roam here and there jobless..i am much depressed much hurted and in much stress now. I hope you will understand my feelings and i want to hope for positive result this time..sir please update ti fast bcoz special paper date has also been came
thanks sir
sir first year special carry cinduct yes ya no
Sir my one subject result still not come, B.pharm first semester, marked with xx, more than two months has been completed after result, sir plz suggest me what should I do, alrdy sent request to UPTU…
Hello Ankit !
Well Done if you have sent a request to UPTU, the procedure for “xx” INC i.e for incomplete result is that you need to submit an application form to your respective college registrar and mention all the information about your result.
Your result will be updated soon !
hello sir ,,,i am final year mechanical student, 8semester result show incompleted in 3subject ..i have already all paper attempted in 8 semestr properly sir plz suggest me whtat should i do ,.
Sir i have 6 back in 3rd year 3 in 5th sem and 3 in 6th but my result status is still pcp.
How is it possible?
Sir what does ### means in result. My 6th sem result is out bt yet CN external marks is not shown…why this happenning & what does it mean???
Please Share more details with us like your roll no and year ? to help you out.
The result must be incomplete. You need to wait for the updated result. Also, I would like to recommend you to write an application regarding this issue to your college registrar.
Sir my result of 1st semester is blank on opening it can u pls tell whats this about
Sir 3 yr special carry over happens or not…??
Hi, Vicky!
There is a chance of special carry over but not 100%. Special Carry over 2016 will only be conducted if there any circumstances or pressure on the university for 3rd year students.
I am having 5 backs in 3 year nd I have less than 1000 marks I am having year back or not
sadly, yes !
Thumhare year back lag Gaye hai
hello sir my name is puneet kapoor and iam an mba final year student sir our result is incomplete due to there is a subject called cyber security the marks of aforesaid subject is not uploaded of most students so plz tell me how can this problem can be solve
Hello sir our mba final year 2015-16 result is not completed because of one subject name cyber security the marks of aforesaid subject is not uploaded so plz tell me when will be our problem will solve
hello sir, Aaquib here… actualli i gave math 1 carry paper in dec 2015-16.. bt result z still pendng & showing previous marks.. dis z nt happens only wid me bt my whole claas… my rezult z gud xcept dis result.. i have aggregate of 74%….so please tell me da soltn of dis prblm… hardly requesting u…
Sir 1st year 2015 -2016…special carry over hoyga ya nhi…
For 1st year there is very less chance.
I am a student of btech 3 yr
My uptu result shows incomplete and registrar of my college says tht it will complete automatically. I give him the application bt he dont take it sersiously waht can i do?
Sir plz help me …my 1st year result is inc…plz plz plz helo me
I am a student of btech final year session 2016-17
sir my roll no is 1442200920 and my 6th sem result status is incomplete.there are 3 subjects results not showing.
what can i do sir. college want a complete result in september month to promote to next semester.
my marks are 1180/2000.
what can i do . plz help me.
I am a student of mechanical 3rd year and in my 3rd semester one subject fluid mechanics initially it shown ”xx” then after long time now it shown as ”###” I give application too much times
In our college and uptu office Lucknow also..and it still not corrected..Now what should I do.
My roll number is 1418740021
Plzz give me suggestions on my WhatsApp no-9452691237
Hi ! You need to write an application to your college registrar and Director and talk about your matter, they are the one who can help you out,
Hello sir…I am 2nd year student…sir..
Sir 2 papers mein marks show nhi krr rha hai sir….status INC hai sir….isse next sem mein koi problem to nhi hogi na sir
Hello sir,
I am Apoorva Agarwal, MCA final year student from AKGEC, Ghaziabad .
My 4 sem result is incomplete and 2 months already passed and still result is not updated.
I asked to the college authorities, The registrar said I already send ur data to the university and go too the university if you have any problem. we cannot do anything and they are not answering to me properly …
What actions should I take now????
You need to submit an application form in your college. If you have already done that, then do confirm with your college authorities once again. If still the problem persists and you really in need of your result then, visit AKTU Office to get it updated ASAP.
My college registrar isn’t said anything regarding the application form.
And If I visit to AKTU office , to whom I have to meet and who will solve my query their .
sir my btech 3rd sem result is yet not updataed and i had already submit the application to the registrar office but still my result is incomplete..
my result have xx in the column of marks ,, what should i do know ?
Hi Prashant,
You need to submit an application to your college registrar mentioning the issue you are having with your result, also attach a photocopy of the internet downloaded mark sheet.
hi sir ,
after all this . kya mera result aa jaega ???
or kab tak ??
hi sir ,
after all this . kya mera result aa jaega ???
or kab tak ??
hello sir my name is rohan my roll no. is (1647120033) my practical or internal no. is not show more than also seen (XX) also all sub. please help me first year 1 sem.
Hi Rohan,
Please contact your college registrar regardng this, as “xx” means the result is incomplete and you need to take action ASAP. Submit an application along with pphotocopy of the marksheet to your college registrar they will help you out.
Sir my name is Gaurav nd I m student of 2013-17 batch.i got back in first year mechanics in which no. In subject are I need grace in this subject roll no is 1365331006 plz do something about it..plz sir
Hello Yatharth!
mera MCA 5th sem result me Computer Network me xx likha hua tha so clg walo ne bola ki result update ho jayega… bt now abhi jb 6th sem ka result aya to xx ki jagah ABS likha h..
bt maine exam diya h…
plz let me know what can i do for cleared result?
I am Akanksha saini, btech final year student ,(1403010025) from IPEC, Ghaziabad .
My 3 sem marks of CYBER SECURITY (AUC-002) is incomplete but status is shown as cleared and a year has been passed and still marks are not updated.
I had already give application ,attendance sheet ,marksheet copy to lucknow office and college registrar. but still no response from there..sir plz tell me how can i solve this problem. plz reply as soon as possible.
Hi Akanksha,
In that case i would suggest you to visit AKTU Lucknow office with documents and get your queries cleared on spot with Officers.
Sir! I am vikash Kumar 2nd year student. I got my result in 2 nd semester result status is inc-ptns and RME 201 marks obtain xx…
Sir how much time to update my result…
Sir i am pass out the MBA final year i Gave carry over exam of MBA 3rd semester in12 aor 13 january but my result not declarer till date. what i am doing now .please help me.
RULL NO. 1313570070
1. NMBAFM02, 12/1/2017.
2. NMBA034, 13/1/2017
I had the same issue, my 3rd semester result was initially showing ABS for one subject and didn’t get updated after 1 year. Finally I logged a complaint on and after two months result got updated.
I lost all hope that it will be updated and was ready to give the exam again but hadn’t do that 🙂
sir i m still facung this problem plz update my result of bpharm 2 sem aktu from sanskar college
Dear sir, I m ruby and facing some problem last 3 times. I regularly given exam of mba 1st and 2end year but my result are not showing in result status. Now I m very much frustrated form this university and my college are helpless to help me that do not know about what he do that. Pls give my courract status and updated my all result. I gave 4 time exam but not updated pls keep help me my result.
Sir I’m student of pass out but my 1rt and 2th year result inc show kar rahe h me kya karu sir plllllls tel me
Sir I’m student of final year but ncer internal mark are not shown in my result please help
Sir I’m chandrakala vishwakarma students of b.pharm 4th year and my roll number is 1751650024 my result in showing XX please update my result as soon as possible