AFCAT Result 2020 is announced at The AFCAT 02/2020 exam was conducted on September 19-20, 2020 and result is now finally announced after a long one month gap in October and there is a huge list of shortlisted students for SSB round. Indian Air Force declared the result of AFCAT and EKT both and candidates can check their marks from by login to The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) and Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) is declared 2020-21 check from the given link below. AFSB Interview will begin from tomorrow (October 21) at 11 am.
List of Candidates shortlisted from AFCAT 2/ 2020 held on September 19-20, 2020 for the next phase of testing at Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs) is annexed. Based on the induction requirements of the IAF, the performance of candidates in AFCAT as well as statistics of reporting and success rates at AFSBs, the cut off marks for AFCAT 2/ 2020 is 148/ 300 for AFCAT and 60/ 150 for EKT. Only those candidates who have cleared both AFCAT and EKT will be considered for Technical Branch. All candidates may log in to their account to view their individual AFCAT/ EKT Marks.
Candidates whose AFCAT Numbers figure in the list are required to login to their account and select the venue and date for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs). The last date for selection of AFSB venue and date is 21st Oct 2020. Candidates are required to print the Call up Letter and associated forms from the website and report to their selected venue along with Call Up letter & the associated forms duly filled, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents as listed in the Call Up letter. Candidates are advised to take a print out of call up letter and associated forms immediately after selecting date and venue of AFSB.
Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB schedules by 21 Oct 2020 would be allotted their AFSB batches by the IAF by 25 Oct 2020.
- All candidates are required to carefully read and follow the General Instructions available on before reporting to AFSB.
- Candidates who have applied only for Flying Branch are to select 1 AFSB (Dehradun), 2 AFSB (Mysore) or 4 AFSB (Varanasi) as their AFSB centre.
- Airmen candidates who have appeared for SSB for less than six times should only select 5 AFSB (Kancharapara) as SSB venue. Contact JDPO- 3(A/B) Air HQ (VB) for clarification.

Check AFCAT II Result 2020 – Indian Air Force (IAF) :-
Organization:- Indian Air Force (IAF)
Examination Name:- Air Force Common Admission Test ( AFCAT ) – 02 / 2020 Result September 19-20, 2020
Date of AFCAT Exam:- September 19-20, 2020
Date of Result Declared:- 20th October 2020
Link to Check AFCAT Result 2020:- CLICK HERE to check your AFCAT 2020-21 Result. Alternatively, you can visit
How to Check AFCAT 2020-21 Result:-
- Click on the above link to check AFCAT 02/2020 result
- You need to enter your AFCAT email/username and password and select August 2020 in the notification
- Enter security code
- Click on Log IN
- Your profile will be displayed along with the marks of AFCAT and EKT marks
- Select your Interview schedule if you are selected.
Candidates can also search in the pdf view of result to check their result by finding their roll number. visit