Microsoft is now rolling out Project Spartan- A Web Browser which is built for Windows 10. Project Spartan is a new Web Browser of Microsoft with some of the awesome Features which will definitely attract you. It is More faster, Secure & Reliable than Before. Finally Microsoft said Good Bye to Internet Explorer. Yes, Microsoft is now killing Internet Explorer & introducing the all new Project Spartan Browser.
Everyone knows that only a few of them use Internet Explorer, not even few I think only Microsoft Employees are using internet explorer & they are also now going to move to the next browser & kill the IE. Check out the below Features & how to install Project Spartan on your PC.
Some of the Great Features in Microsoft Project Spartan – A Browser built for Windows 10.
- Buit-in Cortana:- Cortana is a Personal Assistant of Microsoft just like Okay Google Now of Google & Siri for Apple. In the Project Spartan also the the Spartan web Browser will have a Built-in Cortana Personal Assistant to assist you on the web. This Cortana assist Update in only available in US & will soon be rolling out globally. The digital Assistant of Microsoft will help you to solve you query on the go.
- Web Note, Inking & Sharing:- The all new Project Spartan give you a capability to Share your Thoughts or notes on simple click to your Social Networking & Emails. This Webnote, Inking & Sharing will be available on Windows 10 Project Spartan.
- Modern Web: Project Spartan is built with Modern Web which is more Secure, reliable & Speed. In this build you will also see some rendering Engine. & a faster browser than before.
- Reading View & Reading List: Project spartan also comes with Distraction free reading view & Reading list. This time microsoft is gonna manage your content in such way that you get the best reading view & enrich experience.
Microsoft is now rolling out & releasing the preview of the Project Spartan Web Browser for the Windows 10 Preview or Developer version who have already Upgraded to the windows 10. You can Install,download & Upgrade to the Microsoft windows 10 Technical preview Here. After that you can also upgrade to the Project Spartan & enjoy the same.

Source: Windows Blog
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