How to Bypass/Skip Youtube Forced Sign-in Videos


    Sometimes you are searching for a certain video to watch but you need to sign-in before you can watch the video. The video can be of any thing something like a soft-hearted person can’t watch the video so, youtube forced you to sign-in and confirm you age, The video may also be Adult video so, that you need to sign-in before you can watch & confirm your age for 18+. So, Youtube try to make sure these sign-in formality which really doesn’t matter even a small kid can watch it by using this trick but also by making a fake account. well, who is gonna see what’s your age.

    So, if you don’t need to sign-in & want to Bypass/skip the video Check out the Details description how to do it. So lets find out  How to Bypass/Skip Youtube Forced Sign-in Videos. Here you Go… 🙂

    • Go to the URL of Youtube Video.
    • You just need to Simply delete everything after the last “/” in the URL.
    • So, Untill you get to “v=” change “v=” to “v/” which will Bypass/skip the Login or Sign-in
    • That’s it !!! You’ve done.
    • Now Enjoy Your Video.

    well, do you know Youtube was made first as dating site.
    Good Bye !!!

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