Anna University UG/PG 2nd,4th,6th & 8th Semester Result May/June 2014
Anna University officially announced the UG/PG 2nd,4th,6th&8th Semester Result May/June 2014. Anna University declared the Result of UG/PG 2nd,4th,6th&8th Semester Result May/June 2014 for...
Anna University Remedial Coaching Classes
This is to Inform all the students of Anna University that Remedial Coaching Classes for weak students are going to be Conducted from 22nd...
Anna University Affiliated Colleges 8th Semester B.E./B.Tech – Review Results May/June 2013
Hello All, Here is the Anna University, Chennai Affiliated Colleges 8th Semester Review Result for B.E./B.Tech - May/June 2013 Examination. The Anna University,...
Anna University UG/PG (Full Time/Part Time) Payment of Semester Fees
The Centre for Professional Development education,Anna University - ChennaiAnnounces the Self Supporting Programmes for July 2013 to November 2013Anna University Recently Announces The (UG/PG...