UPTU Even Semester Carry Over Tentative Datesheet 2014
UPTU Released the Tentative Datesheet of Even Semester Carry Over Exam. The Tentative Datesheet of Even Semester is Officially uploaded on UPTU Circular at...
UPTU (GBTU + MTU) Even Semester Revised Final Datesheet Released 2014
So, Here it is a long time waited UPTU Revised Final Datesheet of Even semester exam is finally released on UPTU circular offically...
UPTU (GBTU + MTU) Even Semester Revised Final Datesheet Released 2014
So, Here it is a long time waited UPTU Revised Final Datesheet of Even semester exam is finally released on UPTU circular offically ....
UPTU (GBTU & MTU) Even Semester Tentative Datesheet 2014
UPTU officially announced the Tentative Datesheet for Even Semester Exam. Engineers Corner already announced in our previous post that Even semester exams are going...
UPTU M.Tech & M.Pharma Admit Card 2014 Notification.
UPTU announced the Examination Date sheet earlier of M.Tech & M.Pharma and the semester exam is starting from 28/04/2014 So, This is to inform...
UPTU Carry Over Forms for Even Semester 2014
UPTU Even Semester Carry Over Forms are out for the year 2014. Students of UPTu i.e both GBTu & MTU are Requested to Tke...
UPTU Carry Over Result Declared 2014
The Much Awaited UPTU Carry Over Result is Announced, UPTU officials announced the Carry Over result of B.Tech as well as B.Pharma Result 2013-14...
UPTU (GBTU+MTU) B.Tech 5th & 7th Sem Result Declared
Hello, Guys After a long time the Results of B.Tech 3rd Year 5th & 7th Sem is Here. UPTU Officially announced the 5th...
UPTU (GBTU + MTU) B.Tech 1st Sem Result 2013-14
UPTU officially announced the Result of 1st year 1st Semester result of the year 2013-14. The Result of GBTU & MTU is officially announced...
UPTU 3rd Sem Results 2013-14 Announced.
After a long time, many students were eagerly waiting for the Results of GBTU as well as MTU . Today the results of B.Tech...