CBSE Cracks Down on Dummy Schools with Surprise Inspections


The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) took strong action today to address the issue of dummy schools. They carried out surprise inspections at 27 schools in Rajasthan and the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. The goal was to make sure that all schools affiliated with CBSE are following the rules and guidelines set by the Board.

To make these inspections as effective as possible, CBSE sent out 27 teams. Each team was made up of a CBSE officer and a principal from another CBSE-affiliated school. They visited all the selected schools at the same time to keep the visits unexpected. This way, they could get a true picture of how the schools are running on a daily basis.

CBSE is committed to upholding high standards in education and expects all its affiliated schools to follow its guidelines closely. The results from these inspections will be carefully reviewed, and any schools found not following the rules will face necessary actions.

This effort is part of CBSE’s ongoing commitment to ensure that all schools maintain the quality and standards expected by the Board. The Board will continue these surprise inspections to make sure that every affiliated school is up to the mark.

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