Banaras Hindu University ( Officially released BHU CHS School Entrance Test SET 2019 Admit Card for admission to Central Hindu School (Boys) and Central Hindu School (Girls) through SET – 2019 (School Entrance Test) in Class 6th, 9th and 11th (Maths, Bio, Arts and Commerce stream) for the academic year 2019-20. The Admit Card download link is exclusively available on BHU CHS official website many candidates were eagerly waiting for the admit card to appear for BHU CHS SET 2019-20 school entrance exam in varanasi.
All the students who have applied for admission in BHU CHS School through SET (School Entrance Test) 2019 can download their admit card from the below working link. However the admit card has been sent to the candidates registered email id along with SMS. if you want to download admit card from internet then Candidates can also visit

Download BHU CHS SET – 2019 Admit Card:-
Name of University/School: BHU Banaras Hindu University/ Central Hindu School (CHS)
Name of Examination: BHU Central Hindu School (CHS) School Entrance Test (SET) 2019
Date of Examination:
- Class VI : 29th April, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
- Class IX : 28th April, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
- Class XI Maths : 27th April, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
- Class XI Biology : 26th April, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
- Class XI Arts & Commerce : 25th April, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Date of Admit Card Released: 11th April 2019
Link to Download BHU CHS SET 2016 Admit Card: CLICK HERE to Download your BHU CHS SET – 2016 Admit Card. or visit
BHU CHS SET – 2019 Admit Card Important Note:-
The Admit Card will be e-mailed to the candidate at the email addresses provided by the candidate in the application form. SMS alert regarding issue of Admit Card on the mobile phone registered by the candidate will also be sent. Therefore the candidates are advised to give correct e-mail addresses/ mobile phone numbers for correspondence while filling up the online application form. Alternatively, Candidates can download the ADMIT CARD from the BHU Entrance Test Portal ( by providing the unique code allotted to them at the time of online submission of application form. If a candidate is unable to download the Admit Card till a week before the date of the Test, he/she should contact the Central Hindu Boys‟ School Office on Phone No. 0542-2450549 for any kind of assistance.
All the BHU CHS School SET 2019 candidates are required to paste passport size photograph (same passport size photograph which has been used for online submission) in the space provided on the printout of the Admit Card and self-attest it to appear in the examination.
- Candidates must note that there will be no postal dispatch of Admit Card, it can only be downloaded and printed from the candidate‟s e-mail account or downloaded from the BHU‟s entrance test portal by giving the unique code allotted at the time of online form submission.
- The candidate should carefully examine the Admit Card received by him/her for all the entries made therein. In case of any discrepancy the candidate should inform the Chief Co-ordinator,SET-2019 on Phone No. 0542-2450549.
- The Test date and Venue details will be given on the Admit Card.
- No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the Test without a valid Admit Card.
- The candidate is required to retain the Admit Card in safe custody after the Test for presenting it before the Admission Committee, if called for counselling. In all matters relating to School Entrance Test and admission to respective Classes, the decision of the University shall be final and binding.
How to Download BHU CHS SET-2019 Admit Card Online:
Check the below steps to download your BHU Central Hindu School (CHS) School Entrance Test (SET) 2019
- Click on the above link to download your BHU CHS SET-2019 Provisional Admit Card
- You will be redirected to BHU CHS SET admit card download portal
- Download Provisional Admit Card(SET-2019)
- Enter your CHS SET 2019 Registered Email-Id or Registration Id
- Click on ‘search’ Button
- Click on download and print your BHU CHS School through SET (School Entrance Test) 2019 Admit Card
About BHU Central Hindu School (CHS):-
The nucleus of the educational citadel B.H.U. is C.H.S. It is the Tapobhumi of mother Annie Besent and Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya ji. This institution has proudly assimilated the history of educational development. Founded on 7th July 1898 as Central Hindu College, the present C.H.S. is situated at Kamachha, spread capaciously and housed in magnificent and glorious buildings.The CHS School is affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi. Classes from VI to XII for boys are run here. The school is superbly furnished for imparting the knowledge of Science, Commerce, Arts and Agriculture. Laboratories equipped with ultra modern apparatuses are there to impart the practical/applied knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Psychology and Geography. Besides, there are decent and useful workshops for vocational training of Craft, Electronics, Drawing, Computer and Fruit preservation. The school is proud of its heritage building Kashinath Traimbak Telang Library established in 1912.
if you are not able to download your CHS SET Admit Card do let us know in comments below.
bhu admit card
bhu admit card 2019
bhu set admit card 2019
BHU CHS admit card 2019
BHU CHS SET 2019 admit card