Facebook Graph Search

Hello, Today at Engineers Corner We will Get To Know About Facebook Graph Search Which has Recently Introduced by Facebook Inc.
Most Of The People Heard About Facebook graph search but they don’t know what Actually Graph  Search  is About. Find Out More About You and Your friends and connection. It Provides Search in Users natural language.
Introducing Facebook Graph Search  Facebook Made the new  Experience  for its Users for better Search Results & for a semantic search Engine. Graph  search  Suits Best for the Windows 8 Users for its enriching look and  experience.
For Graph Search You Facebook will Not Activate your Account Immediately You have to wait for 3 – 4 days to Join  Wait List  . After Clicking On Join  Wait List  And  Activating  Graph Search Beta On Your Account Facebook will look to your Profile after Reviewing Your application and Activate Your Graph Search within a Couple of days. And You will Start Enjoying the New Look.
Mark Zuckerberg and His Team Made The Engineering Possible.

Graph Search is Now Only Available for English (US) Users.

Check More About Graph Search  HERE


Thank You…!!!

Engineers Corner

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