Google Celebrates Sally Kristen Ride’s 64th Birthday with Doodle. Very Few People know who was Sally Ride? What she do? She is alive or not? And all about Sally Ride. Google Celebrates the 64th Birthday of Sally Ride who was an American physicist and astronaut. Sally Ride was born May 26, 1951, in California. Later She Joined NASA in 1978. She Died in 2012 due to Pancreatic Cancer. Google Pays Tribute to the first American woman in space and still remains the youngest American astronaut to travel to space. Engineers Corner Salutes to Sally Ride for her Contribution in Changing World.

Source: Wikipedia
Here are Some Beautiful Creative Google Doodle on Sally Ride’s 64th Birthday with at least 4 different animated doodle. Google Celebrates and pays tribute to Sally Ride’s 64th Birthday with Doodle across the world. Check out the below Google Doodle.
Hope You all Loved it !!! The All New Google Doodle Dated 26th May 2015