National Security Guard’s (NSG) website Hacked !


National Security Guard’s (NSG) website Hacked by a hacker group which is identified as Alone injector. The NSG website was hacked on Sunday Evening with abuse messages to PM Narendra Modi. The hackers also uploaded a picture with a person beaten up by a police force and message of “Free Kashmir”. Right now the NSG website is not working and looks like it will be back very soon.

The cyber war between India and Pakistan is an old story but the Free Kashmir message on Govt. Of India, NSG website makes a contradiction who are these people. This also puts up a question about our such weak security of government of India websites that how easily someone can hack the website.

NSG Website Hacked

Click on the above image to see the picture clearly. What’s your take on this ? do let us know in comments below

Please note this news article is only a piece of news and for educational purpose only

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