Uttar Pradesh Technical University UPTU has finally released the Odd Semester Carry Over Examination Circular & Carry Over Exam Form for 2014-15 Academic Year for Regular Students as well as Passed out students. The Odd sem carry Over form should be filled only of 1st, 3rd, 5th, & 7th Semester only. Students who have Back/carry Over in any odd semester subjects can fill the carry Over Form from their Institute with a sum of rs 750/- for each subjects. This year the Carry Over fee is hiked from Rs 500/- to Rs 750/- due to the recent UPTU University Norms.
We have received the information from UPTU, Lucknow that the Carry Over Examination form are to be filled by the Regular & Passed out students of B.Tech. & MBA by the Registrar Office before 10th November, 2014 (before 1.00 pm) for ODD Semesters 1 St, 3rd , 5th & 7th Semester . No student will be entertained after 10th November 2014 in this regard. Examination for all ODD Semester Carry will be conducted along with the ODD Semester Examination of 2014 as per the Notification of UPTU, Lucknow. Accordingly the students of B.Teeh & MBA are hereby informed to collect Examination forms & Submit it ASAP with a Requisite fee of 750/- per subject.
All the details & forms should reach at UPTU University Office on or before 15th November 2014. The Datesheet/Schedule of Odd Semester Carry Over Exam 2014-15 will be released soon as per notification of UPTU. Students can check the Latest Circular of UPTU in this regard from the below working link. Please note this exam is for both the Regions GBTU (Lucknow) as well as MTU (Noida) so don’t get confused.
CLICK HERE to Check The Odd Sem Carry Over Exam & Forms Circular 2014-15
Below is the Format of Carry Over form of UPTU for Odd semester carry over exam 2014-15

Engineers Corner
Best Of Luck !!!