Engineers Corner Presents 10 Facts that Every Engineering Student Should Know. We believe that you have never heard these 10 facts Before & Every Human Beings Specially Engineers, Technocrats & Engineering Student should know about these Real Facts below. You will definitely enjoy this article SHARE with your Friends also. check out the below 10 Facts.
Here are the 10 Facts 10 Facts Every Engineering Student Should Know which is as follows.
- Do You Know Vodka can be used as hair conditioner, bug repellent, and to soothe jellyfish stings. So, Next time try this, don’t drink
- If night time thoughts are keeping you awake, write them all down. This clears your head and makes it easier to sleep !!!
- Okay, Let me tell you when a person usually makes a lot of hand gestures when telling a true story. When telling a lie a person’s hands will stay noticeably still.
- On camera, wearing yellow makes you look bigger and wearing green makes you look smaller.
- Singing can help avoid depression and anxiety. – Every Engineer try to become a Singer once 🙂
- Sleeping next to someone you love not only reduces depression, but it helps you live longer, and makes you fall asleep faster.
- Bad handwriting? Keep this in mind: more intelligent people tend to think faster, and as a result their handwriting is more sloppy.
- Want to get rid of bad breath? Brush your tongue. That is where most bad breath starts. At least Try this, we know you are engineer you are not going to take bath, 😉
- Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain new information easily and is directly linked to high test scores.
- When you’re happy, you enjoy the music. But, when you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.
So, That’s it !!! Hope you enjoyed these 10 Facts that. The Facts are Complied By Yatharth Singh from the source of internet. Believe it or not the above 10 Facts are actually Fact. Not Joking