BHU SET 2020 CHS School Admission Entrance exam Class 11th Result 2020 declared at , BHU has published the Tentative Merit List of Class 11th (Maths, Commerce & Arts, Biology) streams on the official website with the list of all the selected students in class 11th for admission in CHS, Varanasi for the session 2020-21. All the students who applied for BHU SET – 2020 Class XIth/11th can check their result from the below working direct link –
The Merit List of students shortlisted through E-Lottery system by the lucky draw which was introduced by BHU School administration. The e-lottery system and merit system through School Entrance Test (SET-2020) for admission to Central Hindu School (CHS) Varanasi. This year BHU CHS official have decided Not to conduct the SET-2020 and it will be based on merit basis by the e-lottery system due to Covid-19 pandemic situation. Please check the BHU SET 2020 result from the direct link given below for admission in CHS School Varanasi for both boys and girls.

Check BHU SET Result and Merit List 2020 – Class 6th and 9th:-
University Name – Banaras Hindu University
Exam name – School Entrance Test 2020-21
Link to Check BHU SET Class 11th Merit List:- Click Here to Check Complete Full List of Selected students Merit List BHU SET Class 11th (Maths, Bio, Arts and Commerce)
Direct Link –
BHU School Entrance Test Merit List Result Class 11th 2020-21:-
THE BHU SET 2020-21 Result declared for class 6th, 9th and 11th for all the categories, The merit List through e-lottery declared for all categories including Make, female, BHU employee, Unreserved, general, SC, ST, OBC, OBC-NCL etc.
BHU Class 11th Important Notice:-
If there is any objection regarding the tentative merit list, you are required to raise your objection with appropriate evidence and your registration ID, till 03/10/2020 at 4:30 PM on the e-mails. Students can contact the below emails for any issues in their result or questions about merit list 2020
- For XI Maths –
- For XI Biology –
- For XI Art & Commerce –
BHU SET Merit List FAQs 2020:-
The BHU SET result declared on 30th September for class 6th and 9th. The BHU CHS School e-lottery final result will be declared on 3rd October 2020 for class 11th.
The BHU SET Class 11th Final Merit List will be declared within a week after BHU will check all the objection received regarding tentative merit list at for admission to CHS School
The BHU SET tentative and final merit List will be the very close to same, because if BHU did not found any objection the the tentative may be released as final merit list after e-lottery.
After the Merit List ahs been declared the students will be shortlisted through E-lottery system for admission in BHU 6th, 9th and 11th class.
The BHU CHS School Admission 2020 will be done on the basis of E-Lottery and Merit basis.
BHU SET Helpdesk Phone Numbers:-
Help desk mobile number is available from – (Time:10 a.m. to 6 p.m)
- CLASS – VI : 9415814734, 6391090876
- CLASS – IX : 9616910299, 9956745909
- CLASS – XI : 6386180790, 9125621181, 7905631010, 6386759192
- Help Desk Cell for Technical Support: 9836219994