MTU List of Examination Centre for Carry Over Exam 2014
As we all know that MTU Odd Sem Carry Over Exam is going to start from 23 January 2014, And the MTU formely UPTU...
MTU Tentative Datesheet for Odd Semester Carry Over Examination 2013-14
This is to Inform all the Students of UPTU formely MTU that Carry Over Examination Schedule is arrived but the Datesheet uploaded on Official...
UPTU (GBTU & MTU) Final Datesheet of Odd Semester Carry Over examination 2013-14
UPTU Finally released its official Final Datesheet for the Odd Semester carry Over Examination. Earlier UPTU announced the tentative datesheet for the same. but...
MTU Odd Semester Final Datesheet Released 2013-14
After a much awaited the Finally the final Datesheet has been arrived and you can start your studies according to the following plan. UPTU...
Regarding filling of Carry Over form for odd semester 2013-14 for MTU Students
This is to inform all the MTU, Noida Students that the Carry Over Forms for Odd Semester Exam is now Available at College Login....
MTU Odd Semester Tentative Datesheet 2013-14 Download Now.
As, you all know that this year MTU & GBTU is Merged but the last time Mahamaya technical University (MTU) is going to Conduct...
UPTU (MTU & GBTU) Odd semester Exam is from 16th December 2013
As we all know that now UPTU (Uttar Pradesh Technical University) is Back with is original brand name after combining both MTU & GBTU....
MTU Special Camp for Result Related Problems with Proforma
This is a very great news to all Students under MTU, that MTU is conducting an Special Camp at MTU Office to sort out...
MTU B.Tech 1st Year 2nd Semester Carry Over Result Announced
After a Much Wait many Students from 1st year to 4th year who are having Back or the carry over in 2nd Semester the...
MTU 3rd Sem Carry Over Result 2012-13
MTU Officially Announced the Carry Over Result of 3rd Semester. Many Students were waiting for MTU Odd Sem result which is now published...