Hello, MTU has recently Announced The Date Sheet for Special Carry Over Exam for Odd Sem. which is to be done Every Sunday to Sunday in month of March & April. More than 10,000 Students had applied for the carry over. This Time MTU has also took a Feedback from the students that this New Rule Should be Implemented or not.
- The Carry Over Exams For Odd Sem will Start from 17th March for 1st & 3rd Semester. Now The MTU has Released its Tentative Date Sheet for the Carry Over Examination. The Exams will Be conducted By Mahamaya Technical University, Noida Itself.
- The Classes For Carry Over Paper are also Arranged By the University in the college. In the Working days of 2Hrs of each Subject. In Which Institutes are Given Instructions For the Same. The Students Appearing for Carry Over Exam have to Attend Regular remedial classes of that very Subject.
- The Results of Odd Semester carry Over Exam shall be Declared before Even Sem carry Over Exam.
CLICK HERE To Download Full Carry over Date Sheet.
Alternetively Get the date Sheet HERE
or Copy The Link To Your Browser : http://www.mtu.ac.in:8080/documents/18/c84cfada-7f69-49f4-8fd5-7ce8b42b1e33
NOTE:- The Given Date Sheet May Change as Prescribed by University. For More info & Update keep visiting the Site. Please Note That it is a tentative date Sheet which may Change.
Thank You
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