This Post is Regarding TCS off-Campus Drive Admit Card 2015, This Post will give you a brief complete details about the TCS Admit Card/Hall Ticket Download by step by step, How you can download & how you will get the shortlisted mail & where you can find your TCS off-campus Admit Card to download
Company Name: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Company Website:
Salary: 3.5 LPA
You will get the Admit Card Details on your Email about the Date of Examination, Time & Venue nut this is not enough to download the TCS Admit Card/Hall Ticket you need to visit the nextstep TCS Website & confirm your availability & Download you Admit Card.
In order to Confirm your availability for the test you need to confirm it from the TCS nextstep website & then you can download the admit card/Hall Ticket. Just follow the below steps:
- Logon to the NextStep Portal by using your CT/DT Reference ID & Password, remember you’ll get only 3 chance to enter your correct password.
- Click to View/Download Hall Ticket or Admit Card to download your Hall Ticket and Confirm availability for the drive.
- Now, Confirm your availability for the drive by clicking on “Confirm Availability for the Drive” tab given on the website.
- You are Done. !!!
Don’t Forget to Bring the following document at the Venue/Exam Centre :-
- 2 Copies of TCS Off-Campus Drive Hall Ticket/Admit Card
- Valid College I-Card
- Government ID for Photo Proof (eg: Driving License, Voter ID, Passport etc.)
- 2 HB Pencil ( not Mechanical Pencil)
- Scientific Calculator is allowed (Not Programmable)
- Mobile phones & other IT Gadgets are not allowed
You will Receive the TCS Admit Card/Hall Ticket once your profile is shortlisted,Eligible candidate will receive the Admit Card even a Day before Examination so don’t be panic, have patience !!!
Here is the Regrading TCS Admit Card Shortlisted Mail Screen Shot:

Search Queries:
TCS Admit Card
TCS Admit Card 2015
TCS Hall Ticket
TCS Hall Ticket 2015 Download
TCS E-Admit Card 2015 Download
TCS Off-Campus Drive Hall Ticket Download
TCS Off-Campus Drive Admit Card Download 2015
Tata Consultancy Services Hall Ticket
TCS Off-Campus Job Admit Card
When is the result of TCS off-campus test held on 20th Februvary 2015?
The TCS Result will be Out in Coming 3 Days !!!
I have no Valid College I-Card as i am passed out candidate so plz suggest me any way
Hello Rakesh,
If you are pass out student & does not have a college ID card for TCS Recruitment, Then you can carry any of your Valid ID proof card like Voter ID, Passport, Aadhar Card, Driving License etc. or your Comapny ID where you are working, in case you doing a job.
Hope this helps !!!
All The Best
Engineers Corner
how to we download admit card for tcs 2nd march drive in tcs carrers it does not appears plz tell me
I didnt recieved any hall ticket for tcs off campus drive held on feb 20th….when i will recevie it…plzz reply
how i can get my tcs admitcard for offcampus that is to be held on 2 nd march 2016
after entering my user id and password it shows that either id or password is wrong