TCS Off-Campus Result 2015 Declared


Tata Consultancy Services TCS Off-Campus result is finally announced, the Much awaited result which was held on 20th February 2015 is now finally out. The Candidates who has given TCS Written Aptitude Exam on 20th February can check their result on TCS NextStep portal. After the TCS Result is declared the Interview is also scheduled for all those candidates who has cleared the TCS Written Exam. Check out the below link to check your result & more on TCS Result announcement.

TCS Written Aptitude Result 2015 is declared and is available on TCS official website i.e  How to check your TCS Result 2015? You just need to follow the following steps to get your TCS written Aptitude/Email Writing result 2015.

How to check your TCS off-campus Result 2015:

  • Go to or CLICK HERE
  • Login with your CT/DT Reference ID & Password, in case you forgot the id check your email & get all the details as you get only 3 attempts to login
  • After logging in :- Click on the Campus Commune on the Left hand side of the website panel
  • A new Pop-up window will Open, Just allow your browser to open the Pop-window
  • Click on Launch Campus commune
  • to Get your TCS Result:  CLICK on TCS Off-campus Result 2015 or click here
  • you will get your TCS result displayed on the very next screen

If you are selected you will get a message that Congratulations you are selected !!! for Interview & you r Interview details will be displayed.

If you are not selected then you will get a message that Thanks for appearing in TCS off-campus written Exam, We are sorry but you are not selected this time. Please apply next time from TCS next step portal for the TCS next Off-campus Recruitment drive.

Company Name: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Exam Name: TCS Off-campus Written Aptitude Exam Result 2015

Result Announcement Date: 24/02/2015

Exam Date: 20/02/2015

The Expected Date of TCS Interview is on :- 28th February 2015

Link to Check Result:  CLICK HERE or visit: or

Students of 2015 batch are actually getting an Email from TCS Career that you can check your result on that very link by visiting the TCS off-campus website, The candidates need to visit the TCS next step portal to check their result, they will not get any interview mail from TCS.

Whereas the students of 2014 batch are getting E-mail directly from TCS about the TCS written off-campus result with all the interview details along with Time, venue etc. below is some screenshots of the email from TCS. TCS CTC is 3.25 & in training you will get Rs 9,835/- something only.


TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-1
TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-1


TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-2
TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-2


TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-3
TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-3


TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-4
TCS Off-Campus Result & Interview Details Email ScreenShots-4


Search Queries:-

TCS Result 2015
Tata Consultancy Services Result 2015
TCS Written Result 2015
TCS Written aptitude Result 2015
TCS Email writing  Result 2015
TCS Result 2015 on 20th February 2015
TCS Interview Result 2015
TCS Off-Campus Result
TCS Off-Campus Result 2015
TCS Off-Campus written Exam Result 2015



    • Hello Pooja,
      We are sorry for that, When you click on the launch Campus Commune Page Check on the side panel or on the last page of the Campus Commune Page when you scroll down on that very page. You will find a new blinking link “TCS Off-Campus Written Exam Result Announced Click Here to Check” You will get the message on the very next window.
      Hope this Help !!!
      All The best for Results !!

      Engineers Corner

  1. Hello, can anyone tell me what is the exact statement written on the Campus Commune website if the aptitude test is cleared?

    I cannot open my Campus Commune page, but I got an email from TCS stating that I have my interview on the 2nd of March in Mumbai.

    I’m just curious to know how exactly the result on Campus Commune looks like.

  2. I had cleared my tcs off campus conducted on 20th feb 2015.I didnt get my interview details till now.When can i get those details.and where can i check them if those interview details are anounced.Please reply …..

    • Hello Manish,
      he interviewer will ask you only what you write in your Resume. They will also ask you technical questions. The interview can take more than 45 minutes. & HR interview take only 5 to 10 minutes.
      Best of Luck.

  3. Hello sir,
    I want to know the approximate date of interview for 2015 batch students for the tcs off campus. Will it be before holi or after holi???
    Since I want to go home for holi, as the train takes 24 hours. So I should take the risk or not???

    • Hello Ritesh,
      We can’t confirm from our side confidently, as Engineers Corner is not a part of TCS in anyway, but we do give genuine information what we have. upto 10th March you can get the interview mail any time soon. Also check all the comments on this page.

  4. You have to b registered to some page to get the interview details??.. i cleared.. and din get any mail from tcs 🙁

  5. Hello Sir,

    I had cleared my tcs off campus conducted on 20th feb 2015.I didn’t get my interview details yet. I am from nagpur, I want to know if the interviews would be conducted in nagpur or I have to travel to other city for interview.

  6. Sir,
    I had attended my tcs aptitude test on 2nd march 2015. I need to know how tcs is going to calculate score of result ?

  7. I didnt get any mail from tcs yet. i attended the interview on 28th feb. after which iam also not able to open my next step portal? am i rejected?

  8. Cn anyone tell the tentative date of interview of written on 20th feb, for 2015 batch.. Is it in dis week or next week.? I havent receive my interview details yet.

  9. Sir,
    How many days prior to the interview is the call letter for the same emailed usually? And is there a chance that interview dates might coincide with holi or dol utsav dates?

  10. i had written tcs written test on 20th feb nd till not yet informed abt interview. In how many hours before we r informed about the interview. I am the ECE student nd what i necessary to prepare for cracking TCS interview

  11. i m eagerly waiting for tcs interview details.but i found nothing in campus commune and hadnt recieved any mail from careers.i m 2015batch..i wrote my test in friends are also facing the same problem

  12. Hi all,
    I gave my interview on 28th feb.When are they going to announce the result? . I am from batch 2014 so i already started my career in small firm . Do you have any idea that how many days before they will notify us about our joining date

  13. I participated up to HR round on 28.feb.
    can anyone tell me when will I got the letter .as well what are the chances for HR round participant

    • Upto my knowledge, interview process ends only on 10th of March! I’ve no idea when the results will be published any way!

  14. Guys… ‘M very much worried about the interview call. Attended the apti on 20th Feb & got selected too. But what about the interview call? No call till date. Will you please tell me, where exactly they are notifying about the interview date? In Campus Commune? Or my personal email? I appeared as a DT candidate from Kolkata , MCA batch 2015. Please tell me guys… M so confused!

  15. I attended the interview held on 28th feb, I didn’t receive any mail about my result and also anyone tell me when the results will be announced.

  16. Hello Sir!
    I have still not got the interview details. I have a friend in Jaipur. He got mail on the same day of result announcement and his interview was on the 4th March(Yesterday).
    Please help me:(

      • hi..!! i am from hyderabad even i didnt get any info about tcs interviews… but here i can see many of them attended the interview…hen will we get??

      • I’m from Gujarat.
        I have called TCS they told me that they will mail me next week.
        Chill friends. They also replied me with a mail.
        Reply was like:
        Thank you for connecting with us on ILP Support
        Please note that mails regarding the selection process are sent to the candidates in batches.
        Request your awaiting for the same.
        Keep checking the next step portal and your mails for further notifications from TCS.”

  17. Hey nisha, I too haven’t gotten any email, my interviews were on 28th feb. By the way how was your interviews, what result are you expecting?

  18. hi friends. iam from chennai.
    i had apptitude test on 20th feb and i got results on 25th feb.
    my interview was on 28th feb and when HR gave me chance to ask questions i asked him when will the results be out. he replied its CONFIDENTIAL. i cant wait anymore for the result. so admin please provide me the contact details of tcs and let me enquire abt this directly

  19. i heard some people saying that, if we have 4 tabs in our next step portal we are selected. if we have only two tabs we are rejected. is that true? :O

  20. Sir,i have completed my final interview.Now i m waiting for the results.Do anybody knw when will the results be announced

  21. i am from hyd. i have cleared the written test 0n 20th feb. but till now not yet received the interview call. when will be the last date for interviews nd how many hours or days before we r informed abt interview by tcs

  22. Hi everyone
    I too cleared my aptitude test on 20th feb and attended my interview on 28th feb in TCS company,chennai itself.My Sir’s friend is working in TCS.He conveyed that results will be published only after 10th march…I hope to get by march 12-15…but not sure about it.

  23. I cleared the Aptitude test.
    my interview was on 5 march. cleared dat …therefore
    i have got the mail to attned interview on 16th march…….

    What will be asked in this? and how many more interviews ? :/

  24. Sir, I went through all 3 rounds technical,management and HR which was conducted on 28th Feb 2015 in CMRIT college Bangalore. But I haven’t got any mail from them regarding results, when will they announce results about HR and what is the chance of getting eliminated in HR round?

  25. Hi friends i am also attented tcs drive at 30 th feb 2015 and shortlisted for interview which was held on 28 th feb 2015 at karapakkam chennai campus but not yet received my results
    Did any body got results (or) the result is not yet declared?
    Kindly clarify my doubt thanks friends

  26. I have attended tcs interview at chennai on 28th but still i didnt get any notifications regarding the result. Has anyone from chennai batch got selected kindly notify me

  27. I have attended all the 3 rounds of Interview of TCS on 4th march… They said that within 10 days, results wil be declared.. Anybody has got the mail.. or any idea about the announcement of result ?

  28. I went through all 3 rounds(technical,management and HR) on 28th Feb in CMRIT college Bangalore. Still I haven’t got.any mail from them regarding final results. Does that mean I’m eliminated in HR? will they send a mail even if I fail to clear HR? Please tell me the exact date when they will announce final results
    Thank you

  29. Hello,
    I am from hyderabad ,got selected in written test but after that i did not get any mail or interview details for 2nd round yet……. Can anyone tell me why ?

  30. I attended the interview on 3rd march in delhi and was told that the results would be announced on 10th march through mail…but still i have not received any mail yet ……what is the expected date of results???????

  31. Sir i hve attend offcampus of tcs on 20th feb’15 and get shortlisted for interview via rslt that published on 24th feb. Bt after that i didn’t received any single mail related to interview from tcs.i hve given exm of tcs at greater noida.when i call on tollfree no. It said that wait for sometime.where as at many place many of them got offer letter to.plse help me.

  32. Sure Sudhir.
    Even I had interview at CMRIT on 28th Feb,pls do post here if you get any information regarding HR results.
    Its almost 16 days over since I had my HR round still I haven’t got any mail,does that mean I’m eliminated in HR or I need to wait for some more days?

  33. Sudhir,I don’t know anyone who has attended interview on 28th so even I’m eagerly waiting to know that has someone got confirmation mail from them.

  34. On 2nd march , I gave the interview in greater noida.I went upto HR round but does not get the result yet.Please tell when will i get the result.PLEASE REPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

  35. Hey i got my offer letter today…any 1 here got offer letter from TCS personal interview held on 10 march 2015 ..2014 passout??/?

    • Ravi.. r u sure u received offer letter from TCS.Cause the students given HR on 28th march have not yet received the offer letter mail till yet.Please Reply asap

  36. I didn’t get any offer letter eventhough I finished my HR on 28th Feb.
    Ravi Raj wer did you attend tcs HR round? Is it in Bangalore?

  37. i am also attented my final round in chennai held on 28th feb 2015 but not yet received results from tcs.i am 2015 passout.if any 2015 batch students who attented final round in chennai got offer plz post

  38. I also attended hr interview on 28th feb at chennai and hav’nt got any mail.plz anyone from chennai got offer letter notice here

  39. friends i have have heard that they have provided offer letters to 2014 passouts , bt is there anyone from 2015 batch who have got offer letter till now in your friend circle , if anyone got please reply i have attended interview on 4th march and haven’t got any mail

  40. even my friends got offer letter yesterday. I attended the drive at greater noida on 2nd march and went up to HR round and did not get any mail or offer letter. Does it mean that i am rejected or there are chances that i may receive my letter later??

  41. Yeah… Dey will send rejection mails too. I called in dat toll free number. Dey told me so. Me too from Kolkata 13th march batch. Hvnt got any mail. But some ppl really hv got it… Got to know so.

    • I have given the interview on 13th march (2 pm) from Kolkata (TCS ,Gitanjali park).Some of my friends have already got the selection email on 27th march,but I didn’t.My question is whether every student get the mail (either selection or rejection whatever)?and if the email is send to only the selected candidate ,then what should be the deadline for coming mail.That is how long we should wait with hope.

  42. i went upto hr, and all the discussions like location,bond,salary was made….but still have not received offer letter but my friends have already received it. is there still some chances to receive it or i am eliminated??

  43. I called TCS customer care nd he told that by today night all over india 2015 batch students, will get selected or rejected mails……

  44. Ppl who have given interview on 14th march in CMRIT clg Bangalore got their offer letter today.
    Anyone got their offer letter who had interview on 28th Feb in Bangalore?

  45. i have given interview in tcs on 27th april.After my HR round they said you can leave now..we will mail you if you are selected……..still i havn’t got any mail… interveiw was fantastic…. In how may days they will announce resutls???
    Is it mean that i m not selected :(((((((
    Please reply……………………………

  46. sir,

    i had selected in campus reqrupment…
    but yet not recive call letter .. can u inform me abt when i get it

  47. Sir,
    I have been selected in TCS interview held on 25 June 2015 i got the mail regarding this on 30th june 2015. But I have not recieved Offer Letter till now. will I be getting offer letter or not?? Please help.

  48. Sir,
    I selected TCS interview in elctronic city phase 2. 1-7-2015 that i i selected but i hv no offer letter sir,how many day i will still waiting sir. We r 6 people sselected. There 4 round interview attended us. We r all B com fresher sir. Plz sir hlp contact no 9742784287. Thanks sir

  49. Sir,i appeared for tcs off campus drive on 2nd dec 2015.yesterday the result were released bt they said those results are belongs to first there really phases system or not and can i expect a mail from tcs in the upcoming phases

  50. Can any one able to explain about TCS phase system , I didnot receive offer letter in phase 1 , in mail they said please wait .it means I selected or rejected ,

  51. Can any one able to explain about TCS phase system , I didnot receive offer letter in phase 1 , in mail they said please wait .it means I selected or rejected ,

  52. Sir,i appeared for tcs off campus drive on 2nd dec 2015. I got selected in tcs off campus and also got offer letter but i want to know the expected date of joining. Please sir tell me about the joining.

  53. I have attended the TCS interview (TR HR MR) on 4 feb 2016 at chennai office. When will be the result published for the selected candidates (expected date)? Do all the candidates receive the mail regarding their results (selected/rejected) ?

  54. Did any one receive result or offer letter from Chennai zone for the interview held on feb 5 2016.
    Do anyone know any news regarding the result? When will TCS announce result 🙁

  55. Hello sir,
    Please let us know when TCS will announce results for the interview held on feb 5 2016 at Chennai. Its almost 1 month now. Please tell us the approximate time taken to publish the result.

  56. sir,

    when will TCS is going to completely announce the interview results of off campus drive held on 4th feb 2016 in chennai? I was attended the interview but I would not receive any notification regarding results till now?

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