UPTU UPSEE-2015 Full Schedule June-July 2015 | Important Dates at [www.upsee.nic.in]

Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) successfully conducted Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination – 2015 popularly known as UPSEE- 2015. UPTU officially released the UPSEE – 2015 full Counselling Schedule whch is going to be started from 16th June & end in July 2015. A Special & additional counselling will also be conducted in the month of August 2015. Every year UPSEE is conducted for admission to UPTU affiliated colleges for admission to B.Tech, B.Arch,B.FAD,BFA,B.Pharma, M.Tech,MBA,MCA etc.

Here is the UPSEE – 2015 Full Counselling Schedule, Important dates from UPTU.

Counseling Schedule (For admissions through UPSEE-2015)

  • Document Verification (All Qualified Candidates of UPSEE 2015, as per schedule on website) At any of the document verification centers. ——–    June 16-23, 2015
  • On Line choice filling (At any place through http://www.upsee.nic.in) and Confirmation of seats; All verified candidates having combined general rank between 1-35000 ——- June 24-26, 2015
  • Confirmation of the allotted seat ——- June 28-29, 2015
  • On Line choice filling (At any place through http://www.upsee.nic.in) and Confirmation of seats; All verified candidates having combined general rank between 35001-Last ————    July 2-4, 2015
  • Confirmation of the allotted seat ——— July 6-7, 2015
  • Document Verification for JEE (Mains)-2015 /CMAT -2015 qualified and registered candidates. At any of the document verification centers. ——-   July 9-10, 2015
  • Confirmation of the allotted seat ——– July 13-14, 2015 (SPECIAL COUNSELING FOR RESERVED CATEGORIES)
  • Special Counseling for reserved category for all qualified SC/ST/OBC candidates of UPSEE 2015 —– July 19-26, 2015
  • Additional Special Counseling for reserved category for all qualified SC candidates of UPSEE 2015   —————- July 28-July 31, 2015 ADDITIONAL COUNSELING FOR VACANT SEATS AFTER MAIN COUNSELING
  • Additional Counseling for all candidates ——— August 5-11, 2015 Notification for inviting application and Registration for JEE (Mains)-2015 /CMAT -2015 qualified candidates will be issued separately.


UPSEE 2015 Complete Full Counselling Schedule 2015 & Important Dates:-

Main Round of Counseling:-

  • Revised Document Verification Schedule —– June 16- June 23, 2015
  • Registration for Main Round by submitting bank draft of Rs 500/- as counseling fee And Document verification Venue: Any one of Document Verification/ Counseling Centers List of document verification centers are available at http://upsee.nic.in and http://www.uptu.ac.in
  • All qualified Candidates of UPSEE-2015 of All Streams Choice Filling Schedule (Main Round) Phase-I   ———– June 23, 2015
  • Display of Seats Verified candidates having Combined General ——– June 24-26, 2015
  • Online Choice Filling through website Rank between 1-35000 of All Streams http://upsee.nic.in  —— June 28, 2015
  • Allotment Result Confirmation of Seats   ———  June 28-29, 2015
  • The candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, he/she must confirm the allotted seat online at http://www.upsee.nic.in
  • Confirmation Fee: Candidates who are allotted a seat, are required to submit Confirmation Fee of Rs 15000=00 online through http://www.upsee.nic.in
  • Please note that if the candidate’s fee receipt is not generated online then he/she must report to the help desk with all the details of the payment failing which the allotted seat may be cancelled in the next round of counseling.
  • A candidate who is allotted a seat and does not confirm the seat in the specified period as stated above, his/her allotted seat in this round will stand automatically cancelled. Those candidates who have been allotted multiple seats can retain only one seat. They will have to report the verification center for confirmation of their seat of choice —— June 30-July 1,2015
  • Reconciliation Phase-II ——- July 2, 2015
  • Display of Vacant seats Verified candidates having Combined General Rank between 35001-ALL And Those verified candidates between 1-35000, Who were not allotted any seat and Who could not fill choices in Phase-I —— July 2-4, 2015
  • Online Choice Filling through website http://upsee.nic.in ——- July 6, 2015
  • Allotment result Confirmation of Seats  ——– July 6-7, 2015
  • The candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, he/she must confirm the allotted seat online at http://www.upsee.nic.in
  •  Confirmation Fee: Candidates who are allotted a seat, are required to submit Confirmation Fee of Rs 15000/- online through http://www.upsee.nic.in. Please note that if the candidate’s fee receipt is not generated online then he/she must report to the help desk with all the details of the payment failing which the allotted seat may be cancelled in the next round of counseling.
  • Those candidates who have been allotted multiple seats can retain only one seat. They will have to report the verification center for confirmation of their seat of choice. A candidate who is allotted a seat and does not confirm the seat in the specified period as stated above, his/her allotted seat in this round will stand automatically cancelled ——– July 8-9, 2015
  • Reconciliation Counseling for JEE (Mains)-2015 and CMAT-2015 Qualified Candidates  —- July 9-10, 2015
  • Registration by submitting bank draft of Rs 500/- only as counseling fee All the JEE (Mains)-2015 and CMAT-2015 qualified candidates who have registered for this round of 3.
  • Document verification Venue: Any one of Document Verification/ Counseling Centers counseling ——–  July 10-11, 2015
  • Online Choice Filling through website http://upsee.nic.in ——— July 12, 2015
  • Allotment Result Confirmation of Seats ——— July 13-14, 2015
  • The candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, he/she must confirm the allotted seat online at http://www.upsee.nic.in.
  • Confirmation Fee: Candidates who were allotted a seat in this counseling, are required to submit Confirmation Fee of Rs 15000/- online through http://www.upsee.nic.in.
  • Please note that if the candidate’s fee receipt is not generated online then he/she must report to the help desk with all the details of the payment failing which the allotted seat may be cancelled in the next round of counseling. A candidate who has deposited confirmation fee in Main Round need not submit the confirmation fee again. However, such a candidate shall be required to again confirm the seat by filling the details of the payment made earlier.
  • A candidate who is allotted a seat and does not confirm the seat in the specified period as stated above, his/her allotted seat in this round will stand automatically cancelled.
  • If a candidate is allotted a seat through main round of counseling as well then he/she will have choice to retain only one seat. In this case if the candidate confirms his/her seat in this round then the previously allotted seat shall automatically stand cancelled. Such candidates need to visit the verification center for the confirmation of their allotted seat.
  • If a candidate wants to retain his/her seat which is previously allotted in the main round of counseling then he/she should not confirm the seat allotted in this round of counseling. ——- July 15-16, 2015
  • Reconciliation (SC/ ST/OBC)  —– July 19-20, 2015
  • Online Registration for Special Counseling for those already verified earlier
  • Registration for fresh candidates (who have not registered in the main counseling round) by submitting bank draft of Rs 500/- as counseling fee All the candidates having Combined General Rank between 1 – Last rank who has registered for special counseling. A candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, his/her previously allotted seat, if any, shall be cancelled.
  • Document verification of fresh registered candidates Venue: Any one of Document Verification/ Counseling Centers In case of those candidates who were allotted a seat in main round and confirmed the allotted seats, if such candidates could not be allotted a seat in this special counseling round, his/her confirmed seat in main round will be retained. —–   July 22, 2015
  • Display of Vacant Seats ——–  July 22-23, 2015
  • Online Choice Filling through website http://upsee.nic.in ——– July 25, 2015
  • Allotment Result Confirmation of Seats ——- July 25-26, 2015
  • The candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, he/she must confirm the allotted seat online at http://www.upsee.nic.in
  • Confirmation Fee: Candidates who were not allotted a seat in the Main Round, are required to submit Confirmation Fee of Rs 15000/- online through http://www.upsee.nic.in
  • Please note that if the candidate’s fee receipt is not generated online then he/she must report to the help desk with all the details of the payment failing which the allotted seat may be cancelled in the next round of counseling. A candidate who has already deposited confirmation fee in Main Round need not submit the confirmation fee again. However, such a candidate shall be required to again confirm the seat by filling the details of the payment made earlier.
  •  Those candidates who have been allotted multiple seats can retain only one seat. They will have to report the verification center for confirmation of their seat of choice. A candidate who is allotted a seat and does not confirm the seat in the specified period as stated above, his/her allotted seat in this round will stand automatically cancelled. ——— July 27,2015 Reconciliation
  • Special Counseling for SC Candidates.
  • July 28, 2015 – Online Registration for Additional Special Counseling for those verified ealier
  • Registration for fresh candidates (who have not registered either in the main counseling round or in the Special Counseling for SC/ST/OBC ) by submitting bank draft of Rs 500/- as counseling fee And Document verification of fresh registered candidates Venue: Any one of Document Verification/ Counseling Centers All those SC candidates having Combined General Rank between 1 – Last rank who has registered for Additional —-   July 30, 2015
  • Display of Vacant Seats ——-  July 30, 2015
  • Online Choice Filling through website http://upsee.nic.in —— July 31, 2015( Allotment Result Special Counseling)
  • A candidate who is allotted a new seat in this round, his/her previously allotted seat, if any, shall be cancelled. In case of those candidates who were allotted a seat in earlier round(s) and confirmed the allotted seats, if such candidates could not be allotted a seat in this special counseling round, his/her confirmed seat in earlier round will be retained. Confirmation of Seats ——-  July 31, 2015
  • The candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, he/she must confirm the allotted seat online at http://www.upsee.nic.in
  • Confirmation Fee: Candidates who were not allotted a seat in the earlier round(s), are required to submit 6 Confirmation Fee of Rs 15000/- online through http://www.upsee.nic.in
  • Please note that if the candidate’s fee receipt is not generated online then he/she must report to the help desk with all the details of the payment failing which the allotted seat may be cancelled in the next round of counseling. A candidate who has deposited confirmation fee in any of the earlier round need not submit the confirmation fee again.
  • However, such a candidate shall be required to again confirm the seat by filling the details of the payment made earlier.
  • Those candidates who have been allotted multiple seats can retain only one seat. They will have to report the verification center for confirmation of their seat of choice. A candidate who is allotted a seat and does not confirm the seat in the specified period as stated above, his/her allotted seat in this round will stand automatically cancelled.——-  August 5-6, 2015
  • Online Registration for Additional Counseling for those verified earlier
  • Registration for fresh candidates (who have not registered in any previous round of counseling ) by submitting bank draft of Rs 500/- as counseling fee And Document verification of fresh registered candidates Venue: Any one of Document Verification/ Counseling Centers All the candidates having Combined General Rank between 1 – Last rank who has registered for this Additional Round of Counseling.
  • A candidate who is allotted a new seat in this round, his/her previously allotted seat, if any, shall be cancelled. In case of those candidates who were allotted a seat in any of the earlier round(s) and confirmed the allotted seat, if such candidates could not be allotted a seat in this round, his/her confirmed seat in earlier round will be retained. —–   August 8, 2015 Display of Vacant Seats August 8-9, 2015 Online Choice Filling through website http://upsee.nic.in
  • August 10-11, 2015 Allotment Result
  • Confirmation of Seats :- August 10-11, 2015 The candidate who is allotted a seat in this round, he/she must confirm the allotted seat online at http://www.upsee.nic.in . Confirmation Fee: Candidates, who were not allotted a seat in any of the earlier round and have not confirmed the seat, are required to submit Confirmation Fee of Rs 15000/- online through http://www.upsee.nic.in. Please note that if the candidate’s fee receipt is not generated online then he/she must report to the help desk with all the details of the payment failing which the allotted seat may be cancelled in the next round of counseling.
  •  A candidate who has deposited confirmation fee in any of the earlier round(s) need not submit the confirmation fee again. However, such a candidate shall be required to again confirm the seat by filling the details of the payment made earlier.
  • Those candidates who have been allotted multiple seats can retain only one seat. They will have to report the verification center for confirmation of their seat of choice. A candidate who is allotted a seat and does not confirm the seat in the specified period as stated above, his/her allotted seat in this round will stand automatically cancelled.
  • A candidate who is allotted a seat must submit the confirmation fee to confirm the allotted seat in the specified period.
  • If a candidate is allotted a seat during special / additional rounds of counseling, his/her earlier allotted seat, if any, will automatically stand cancelled.
  • The candidates are advised to get their Bank drafts ready in advance, required to be submitted as registration fee, in order to avoid any inconvenience due to Bank or other holidays.

Documents to be Submitted at the Time of Counselling for Verification:  

1.UPSEE 2015 Admit Card
2.UPSEE 2015 Counseling letter ( For UPSEE rank holders)
3.The UPSEE 2015 Online Registration slip (required only for JEE Main candidates )
4.Class XII/HSC Certificate
5.Class XII Marks sheet
6.Character certificate
7.Certificate of Medical Fitness / Undertaking of Medical Fitness

Other Documents required (only if applicable and as per format in brochure)
1.Domicile certificate, if applicable.
2.Category certificate for OBC/SC/ST, if applicable
3.Subcategory certificate for Freedom fighters/Armed forces/Physically handicapped as applicable
4.Rural Weightage certificate, if applicable
5.GDDA category certificate, if applicable
6.For economically weak candidates: the Income certificate

NOTE: Please Make Sure you Do Not Submit Original Documents. As Your Institute may ask for Original Documents but not at the counselling centers.

ALSO READ: Do’s & Don’t for UPSEE 2015 Counselling  “

UPTU UPSEE – 2015 Counselling Schedule & Important Dates and details also printed in leading newspaper like amarujala, dainik jagran and navbharat times.

An IMPORTANT NOTE by Engineers Corner for UPSEE – 2015 Counselling.

-> Please make Sure you are having a 3- Set of Photocopies of all the above documents. Otherwise you will face many Problem for having Photocopies & also a waste of time. You must also have your own Passport Size & Stamp Size Photographs.

-> Demamd Draft (DD) must be made in favour of “Finance Officer, UPTU, Lucknow” Payble at the city in which you are giving Counselling. Payable will be the city where you are giving Counselling.

-> Make your Own list of Best Colleges as per your Ranking & Lock that Colleges Preference wise at the time of Choice Locking. A Filling of seats at all institutes are shown on Projector at Seminar Hall of Counselling Centers which will inform you about the filling of seats LIVE.

Search Keywords:

UPSEE 2015
UPSEE 2015 Admission
UPSEE 2015 Counselling
UPSEE-2015 Full Schedule
UPSEE-2015 Complete Full Schedule
UPSEE-2015 Full Schedule June 2015
UPSEE-2015 Full Schedule July 2015
UPSEE 2015 Counselling Date
upsee.nic.in Counselling
www.upsee.nic.in UPSEE 2015 counselling
uptu.ac.in UPSEE 2015 Counselling
Seat Allotment letter UPSEE 2015
Confirmation of Seat UPSEE 2015
UPSEE-2015 Choice Locking

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