WhatsApp recently changed its privacy policy and tries to address some rumours that users should be 100% clear we continue to protect your private messages with end-to-end encryption. WhatsApp runs ads in the leading newspaper about the privacy concern and tries to convince the users.

WhatsApp which is a free service started full-page ads in the newspaper and social media to retain it’s Indian users who are looking for whatsapp alternative like Signal and telegram and switching over it. This is not the first time whatsapp and facebook it’s parent company is in question for privacy poliy and how they handle data, ask for various permission to use their app, but the question remains the same why WhatsApp want to know and ask so many permissions and misuse our data, Why they haven’t impose this policy in EU?
These questions are not restricted and limited to WhatsApp only, The privacy policy, data handling concern is with most of the internet companies like Facebook, Google etc. about how they track you, collect your data, 3rd party companies tie-up, sharing your data and how they give control to users.

for the damage control, in a latest statement and newspaper ads, WhatsApp said that “respect for your privacy is coded into our DNA”. They stated the following clarification :-
- WhatsApp cannot see your private message or hear your calls and neither can Facebook
- WhatsApp does not keep logs of who everyone is messaging or calling
- WhatsApp and Facebook cannot see your shared location
- Whats groups are private
- whatsapp does not share your contacts with Facebook
- Whatsapp protect and secure your private message and it is encrypted
Let us know your thoughts on the new WhatsApp privacy policy in the comments below