The Banaras Hindu University Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET – 2020) entrance exam has been postponed till further notice. BHU UET and PET both entrance exams are officially postponed. The bhu university has published a notification in their recent circular about the postponed of the UET and PET 2020 exam which was scheduled from 18th may 2020
The undergraduate and post graduate Examination will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode ONLY. The Computer Based Test (CBT) would be conducted in 200 cities. Many candidates are eagerly waiting for admission in UG and PG courses like B.Sc, BA, L.Lb,,B.ed, MA,M.Sc etc

BHU, Varanasi in their circular stated that “In the light of the notification issued by the Government of India on extension of Lockdown period up to 17.05.2020, to control spread of COVID 19 in the country, it is notified for the information of all concerned that the UET/PET 2020 Entrance Tests scheduled between 18.05.2020 and 29.05.2020 stand postponed. Fresh dates for the Entrance Tests scheduled on said days would be announced later. Applicants are advised to visit the university’s Entrance Test Portal ( regularly for updates related with conduct of Entrance Tests.”
All the under graduate UET and post graduate PET aspirants candidates are advised to wait for sometime and we will keep you updated with latest updates on this. As due to coronavirus covid-19 pandemic situation in the entire country the BHU authorities are waiting for the updates on upcoming lockdown and steps taken by Govt.