CBSE conducted National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET-II) Phase 2 paper on Sunday 24th July 2016 at various centres across the nation. There was a news in that NEET -II paper was leaked in Ramnagar and Haldwani and Police also arrested 5 people from the same centre also the arrested students admitted that they paid money up to 40 lakhs for the NEET -II paper.
After CBSE NEET -2 paper was leaked. CBSE released their official statement through the press release after reviewing the whole matter. Here is what CBSE says.
CBSE has successfully conducted National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test-II on 24th July, 2016 across the nation including Srinagar. There are also media reports regarding attempts made for leakage of NEET-II question paper in Uttarakhand.
The material seized by the Uttarakhand Police from the persons involved in cheating were provided to CBSE and the same was matched by the Board with the original question paper of NEET-II and found that the seized material is entirely different from the original question paper of NEET-II. This was an attempt made by some unscrupulous elements to cheat the candidates on false promises. Therefore, it is reiterated that news of attempt of leakage of question paper was false and far from facts.
CBSE would again like to reassure all the stakeholders that NEET-II was conducted fairly across the country”
In Lucknow also a news came that the students were not allowed to enter in the examination centre. Well, Here CBSE is saying that the paper is completely different from the leaked papers and the examination is now fair. But, here is a big Question Mark for CBSE. What’s your take on this ? Is CBSE hiding something ? Do you think NEET – 2 paper went fairly ? Do you think the exam should be cancel ? Please drop your comments below.
Why would anyone part with millions for fake paper? CBSE must conduct NEET 3.
Yes, Exactly
Why would anyone part with millions for fake paper? CBSE must conduct NEET 3.