Even Engineers can’t find the Answer of Which color is this dress ?


    Before this topic reaches  NASA to find out the answers, Engineers all over the world still finding to get the answer of the  lit photograph of a $77 off-the-rack dress which broke the Internet this Friday. Many people see Blue & Black Color while other see it as White & gold colors. Everyone like an engineer is finding & the exact answer to this question that actually  Which color is this dress ?

    People on internet, facebook, Blogs, twitter giving different – different explanation for this damn dress & still can’t find out the solution. Still even the engineers  can’t find the Answer of Which color is this dress ? Some people on Internet saying that “please help me  is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree and we are freaking the fu** out 😉
    the other one said “So I just looked at this like, it’s blue and black obviously and all my friends were like no it’s blue and gold. Now I’m super confused, what is eyesight?

    Below is the Picture of the Dress which is in controversies right now.

    Well a debate has been started on this since #TheDress started trending on Internet, As different people have different perception because there is scientific reason why your brain capture the color of the dress as blue/black or white/gold, there is no photography trick though. According to Engineers Corner & other researcher we found it Blue & Black. Tell us what do you see in comments below?

    Even Engineers are Finding the Answer of Which color is this dress ?
    Even Engineers are Finding the Answer of Which color is this dress ?


    A New Picture Explaining the dress.Engineers still finding out the answer while working on color coding of RGB. Here it is below:-

    The Dress Color explaning color in RGB
    The Dress Color explaning color in RGB




    1. I have to be honest, at first, I didn’t know what the fuss was about until I read someone’s FB post on it (I didn’t bother the click the links beforehand). I just thought the problem was that it was an ugly dress.

      Anyway, I’m glad that some people went beyond the argument of what color it is, to the explanation why people see two different sets of colors. Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense.

    2. Different strokes, for different strokes. I think lighting plays an important factor with this. But this dress, I don’t understand as well what the fuss is about. Lol.

    3. Aside from the people who are color blind, the hype around this dress reminds me of that children’s story about the Emperor has no clothes.
      The emperor was naked but most people, misled by others, acted like lemmings and the rest of the story is history.
      The store owner identified the dress color but many continue to claim they see XYZ instead of a black and blue dress. Ugh!

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