OnePlus launched the all new OnePlus 5T ‘Star Wars’ Limited Edition smartphone in India on their 4th Anniversary. OnePlus 5T Star Wars limited Edition finally launched in India at Rs 38,999 in almost same specification the only difference is the design, look and feel for the Star Wars fans. It comes with Sandstone White color which is inspired by planet crait and it comes only in 8GB RAM + 128GB memory variant.
The OnePlus 5T ‘Star Wars’ Limited Edition is priced more than the standard version of OnePlus 5T which is only Rs 999. This smartphone really looks beautiful and Star Wars fans will definitely love this new color and look of this phone. It features the same specification with 16+20 MP Dual Camera and sports a snapdragon 835 processor.
Kyle Kiang, Head, Global Marketing, OnePlus, said, “We dedicate the ‘Star Wars’ limited edition to OnePlus and Star Wars fans in India as a part of our three-year anniversary celebration. We’ve worked hard to refine every detail.”
OnePlus also started a giveaway of 10,000 free Star Wars movie Ticket for all the OnePlus users, Here is what you will get in this box. You will get a custom case inspired by one of the most iconic characters from the series. The OnePlus 5T Star Wars edition is completely customized from look, design and oxygen OS.
How did you liked this new edition by OnePlus ? Let us know in comments below.