OnePlus has finally launched the much-awaited flagship smartphone OnePlus 6 in India. OnePlus 6 was launched on 17th May at Mumbai’s NSCI Dome. OnePlus 6 comes with Snapdragon 845 chipset, and a 19:9 display, It features 6.28-inch AMOLED display with 6 and 8 Gigs of RAM, up to 256 GB of storage and a dual 16 MP + 20 MP rear cameras.
The OnePlus 6 will come in 3 colors – Mirror Black, Midnight Black & Silk White. The OnePlus 6 6 GB/ 64 GB variant is priced at INR 34,999, the 8 GB/ 128 GB variant is priced at INR 39,999.
OnePlus 6 Specification –
- 6.2in 2280×1080 Full Optic AMOLED 19:9 display
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 with 8GB LPDDR4X RAM
- 64GB, 128GB or 256GB storage
- Dual 16MP (f/1.7) and 20MP cameras with OIS, Advanced HDR
- 16MP front-facing camera with ‘Portrait Mode’
- Rear-mounted fingerprint scanner, Face Unlock
- Android 8.1 Oreo with OxygenOS
- USB-C, 3.5mm headphone jack
- Cat 16 LTE support
- Midnight Black, Mirror Black, Silk White colour options
In addition to this, all OnePlus 6 customers will be eligible for the following benefits:
. Complimentary 12-month Accidental Damage Insurance by Servify
. INR 2,000 cash back and Device Insurance for Idea subscribers
. Gift card worth INR 250 for all Amazon Prime Video consumers and discounts up to INR 500 on Amazon Kindle
. Benefits up to INR 25,000 on flight and hotel bookings from ClearTrip
OnePlus has also provided fans with the chance to pre-book the OnePlus 6 on with added benefits, prior to its official launch in India. OnePlus had partnered with for a ‘Fast AF’ sale, between 13-16 May, wherein customers can buy a Gift Card worth INR 1,000 to be used to buy the OnePlus 6 between 21 and 22 May 2018 and get Amazon Pay Balance worth INR 1,000 in addition to aforementioned offers.
The company will also be hosting pop-up events across 8 Indian cities, including Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Ahmedabad between 21-22 May 2018. Fans will be able to experience and purchase the powerful and stylish OnePlus 6 at these pop-up stores over two days, on a first-come-first-serve basis. Across the globe pop-ups will be held in New York, London, Paris, Milan and Beijing.
The OnePlus 6 will be available for purchase on, Amazon