Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU), Lucknow released a circular regarding the not giving the Refundable Caution Money to the Pass Out Students. UPTU Strictly gave Notice & Instructions to its affiliated colleges who are not giving the refund of caution money to the pass out students of UPTU. Recently UPTU bring to a notice that UPTU Colleges are not giving the Refund Amount of caution Money to the Pass out students and many students are complaining to the university regarding this.
UPTU affiliated colleges are making many excuses to not to give refund amount or deduct some amount from their Caution Money by giving inappropriate reasons. UPTU is strict this time & gave instructions to the colleges to confirm the refund of Caution Money for those students who are pass out from the institutions or have left the institute for some reasons.
This is to inform you that the students are required to Submit a Sum of Rs 10,000/- as Caution Money/Security Money at the Time of Admission and the college will refund the amount when you will leave the college in final year. But at the time refunding the Caution money, UPTU Colleges make many excuses to not to give the money.
Here is the Official Circular from the University (UPTU)
Click to access 2639iksjklta.pdf