Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) likely to announced CBSE Class 10th Result on or Before 30th May 2014. CBSE may announce Class 10th Board Exam Results on or before 30th May 2014 as expected. Yet, There is no official news from CBSE. But as per the Sources & According to Reports CBSE Class 10th Result is to be declared on 30th May 2014. Because Every year CBSE announce its Result on its very same day i.e 30th May or near the date. This year is also expected that CBSE may declare the Class 10th Result on 30th May 2014 on its official website i.e www.cbseresults.nic.in.
CBSE Clss 10th Results will be declare on its official website www.cbse.nic.in & www.cbseresults.nic.in Students can also get their CBSE Class 10th Results via IVRS & SMS Srevices which will cost Rs 1/- to Rs 3/-
The Marks will be given on Grade Basis & CGPA to Class 10th Students.
You Can Check your result Here on the Below Link:
CLICK HERE to Check your CBSE Class 10th Result
Well the Expected Date of CBSE Class 10th Results is on or Before 30th May 2014.
Have Patience. GOOD LUCK
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